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Shamanism is not a religion, but an ancient spiritual and nature based practice of healing, prophesying and divining.
As new awakened communities step forward, shamans all over the world are bringing teachings of 'the old ways' back into our communities, inspiring people to reconnect to nature, offering deep healing, insight and transformation for all people and from all walks of life, regardless of religious or spiritual views.

Sacred stones offers a non-judgmental welcome, with an open heart to anyone from all faiths and backgrounds who are seeking healing, love and support.

About Rachel Streeter

Rachel Streeter, Shamanic Practitioner & Fire Walking Instructor in East Sussex UK
Rachel Streeter is a member of IICT



Shamanism has truly opened my eyes to a new and authentic way of serving others and progressing in my own spiritual practice. I moved down to Bexhill-on-sea from London to be closer to my parents and start my family in 2007. Soon after I launched my first business called Calm Farm, offering therapeutic counselling and clinical hypnotherapy for adults. After being asked to develop wellbeing workshops for teenagers at Hastings college in 2012 I realised how much support was needed for young people suffering from anxiety and low self esteem, so I then developed a Community Interest Company, (CIC) called Remarkable Me which specialised in running low cost, after school programmes to support children and young people with mental healing issues and learning difficulties as well as their families. During this time I wrote and published two wellbeing journals which young people could work through in their own time at home, school or college, (these journals are still on sale at the De La Warr Pavilion and on Amazon today). Although I enjoyed the work immensely and witnessed incredible positive changes in my clients and service users, I always felt more could be done on a deeper, soul level.

Through my own personal traumas and exhausting many therapeutic and spiritual practices for healing, I was eventually guided to shamanism and found my first soul retrieval experience to be immediately transformational in my healing journey. The next day I signed up for the first part of my shamanic healing practitioner training and continued my advanced shamanic studies until 2019. At this point I felt a calling to be of service and decided to launch Sacred Stones Shamanic Practice while continuing my professional development in nature based studies to reconnect to mother earth and her powerful elements. I understood how disconnected we have all become to nature and the 'old ways of living' and I wanted honour my ancestral lineage through research, studies and being of service to the community. I am now in a place where I feel my previous psychotherapeutic training and experience has aligned with my love of shamanism and nature based teachings and I am excited to bring all these elements together in my shamanic training, workshops, retreats and client work for those on healing and spiritual journeys.

There are so many preconceptions about shamanism, and it feels important to say that we all come from different backgrounds and do not all work the same way. Although the root of my shamanic training derives from the North American Lakota lineage, I live in the UK and are what some might consider a modern day Western shaman.

I love God, Jesus Christ and know we are surrounded by angels, but I also believe we can access and build valuable relationships with an abundance of other spiritual support including our ancestors, soul families, guides, teachers, ascended masters and a whole host of spiritual helpers if we reach out to them. I believe everything has a spirit including the animals, trees, plants, crystals, mountains, rivers and seas, and if we only take time to sit quietly and tune into these majestic spirits will can understand their place in the world and our ability to connect and learn from them on a deep level.

Through sacred teachings of shamanism it is possible to experience deep healing, restore harmony, rebuild bridges with ancient traditions, connect with the powers of mother earth, develop relationships with spirit guides and teachers and ultimately heal our lives. Healing journeys can often be challenging and sometimes we have to be truly lost before we experience clear insight or necessary changes to transcend in our life.

If you feel you have exhausted other types of therapy or support and are keen to try an alternative route to overcoming pain and suffering, shamanic healing could be your vehicle for achieving your life goals.
Shamanic healing can help with a wide range of issues from, physical, emotional, spiritual or emotional blocks which could be holding you back from true happiness and full potentials.

 You may have already experienced shamanic healing in the past, or perhaps you are new to the practice and you would like to explore shamanic healing in a safe, ethical and nurturing environment. 
Whatever your reason, Rachel is honoured to meet with you and support you on the next part of your journey
 through either an individual treatment or welcoming you on one of her powerful workshops, courses or events.

Rachel's professional qualifications

Inner Child Practitioner 2025
Past Life Regression Therapist 2024

Sundoor Fire Walking Instructor & Empowerment Coaching 2023

Sacred Circle Facilitation 2023
Shamanic Home & Land Clearing 2019
Advanced level Shamanic Practice 2019
Foundation Level Shamanic Practice 2018

Bereavement Counselling 2013
Diploma Clinical Hypnotherapy 2009
Reiki Practitioner, First & Second Degree 2007
Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling 2007
Professional Mental health Foundation Training 2005

Rachel's memoir
'The Gift of Fear'

'The Gift of Fear' documents Rachel's extraordinary experience of living with a demonic entity that laid dormant in her family home until she reached puberty. Her Christian family employed a priest to rid them of this horrific entity which sadly failed. Then began the incessant and terrorising attacks until Rachel eventually left home at 18 years of age.

Her experience resulted in PTSD for over 20 years, but eventually led her to the healing sanctuary of shamanism and some incredible life changing events that followed.

 Rachel has openly stated that she is now grateful to have had this experience, as she would never have discovered her shamanic path, or obtain the tools to assist others in a similar position, and ultimately be of service to all that are guided to her for their healing journey.

Request a copy to be sent in the post or purchase in person

The Gift of Fear book by Rachel Streeter


(+ £4.00 p&p)


I have had two soul retrievals with Rachel and they have been truly life changing. 
I would definitely recommend anyone to have shamanic healing with Rachel because it will change your life for the better 🙏♥️

Thank you Rachel x


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